ARTIST Carlotta F Sassoon

“An intimate reflection on the body, psyche and symbolism after life changing events.”.
Carlotta F. Sassoon, studied art at the State Art School of Brera in Milan, after her diploma she decided to follow a more technical path specialising in Digital Design, doing a master in new technologies and, for the love of plants and bugs, a specialisation in Garden Design.
She works as a graphic & digital designer for different realities between the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom, where she resides. For many years, she continued to design and experiment with various forms of art, including garden designing, artistic embroidery and oil painting privately, until she fell ill with cancer at the age of 38.
After her illness and during the long convalescence she decided to use art as a form of personal therapy, to transform a dramatic and negative experience like cancer, in an intimate reflection on the body, psyche and symbolism after life changing events.
Carlotta F. Sassoon, studia arte presso il Liceo Artistico statale di Brera a Milano, figlia d’arte, dopo il liceo decide di seguire una strada più tecnica specializzandosi in Digital Design, facendo un master in nuove tecnologie e, per amore delle piante (e degli insetti!), una specializzazione in Garden Design.
Lavora come graphic & digital designer per diverse realtà tra gli Stati Uniti, l’Italia e il Regno Unito, dove risiede. Per molti anni, continua a disegnare e sperimentare con diverse forme di arte, incluso il design di giardini e il ricamo artistico, privatamente, sino a quando non si ammala di cancro a 38 anni.
Dopo la malattia e durante la lunga convalescenza decide di usare l’arte come forma di terapia personale, per trasformare una esperienza drammatica e negativa come il cancro, in una riflessione intima su corpo, psiche e simbologia dopo eventi che cambiano  radicalmente la vita. Â
Carlotta participates to Port Art Women, with 2 oil paintings, of which we show both details and painting, entitled :
- “I, Bee” 170x50cm oil on cotton canvas
- “Floating in blue” 20×30 cm oil on canvas

1. “I, bee” – allegory of a chemotherapy – 70x50cm oil on cotton canvas
2. “Floating in blue” 20x30cm oil on canvas