ARTIST Patrizia Grego

“She is moved by a dynamic will, a creator of forms of continuity in space. Her style is marked by the use of natural materials that blend with colours and shapes.”
Patrizia Grego nasce a Trieste. Trascorre i primi anni dell’infanzia a Spilimbergo, città vocata all’arte del mosaico. Rientrata a Trieste, già in tenera età si esprime in rappresentazioni teatrali. Sempre attratta con curiosità da tutte le forme d’arte, dopo l’incontro scolastico con il maestro Nino Perizi, inizia ad apprendere le basi pittoriche, con una crescita nel figurativo ed evolvendo poi nell’astrattismo. Gli elementi della natura guidano i suoi studi verso espressioni tendenti al materico, rappresentando la loro presenza. Mossa da una volontà dinamica, creatrice di forme di continuità nello spazio. Lo stile viene segnato dall’utilizzo di materie naturali che si fondono con colori e forme.
L’evoluzione degli ultimi lavori si orienta verso spazi geometrici che dalla forma piana mutano in movimenti tridimensionali.
Lo spirito è multiforme e l’opera cambia a seconda del proprio sentire.
Patrizia Grego was born in Trieste. She spent the first years of her early childhood in Spilimbergo, a city famous for it’s mosaic art. Back in Trieste, at an early age she expressed herself in theatrical performances. She was curious of all forms of art, after a school meeting with the master Nino Perizi, Patrizia begins to learn the basics of figurative painting which then evolved to abstraction. The elements of nature guide her towards expressing herself through matter that can best represent their presence. She is moved by a dynamic will, a creator of forms of continuity in space. Her style is marked by the use of natural materials that blend with colours and shapes.
Her last works are oriented towards geometric spaces that change from the flat matter to three-dimensional movements.
The spirit of her art is multiform and the flow changes according to her own feeling.
Patrizia Grego participates to Port Art Women, with three works:
- “Power of Nature” – Acrylic on canvas – 100 x 80
- “Each one on its own side” – Acrylic on drywall – 92 x 68
- “Directions” – Acrylic on canvas and steel – 37 x 32

- “Power of Nature” – Acrylic on canvas – 100 x 80
2. “Each one on its own side” – Acrylic on drywall – 92 x 68

3. “Directions” – Acrylic on canvas and steel – 37 x 32