ARTIST Genni Vesprini

“I am fascinated by people, I personally always find it interesting to look at them, observe, I decided that they will be my favourite drawings subjects.
Through my art I’m trying to show you the people’s soul”
Genni Vesprini was born in Italy in the Marche region, she studied art and attended the course of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage; after many years whitout art in her life she has started creating again and never stopped again.
She lives between Italy and London where she is working on her own projects and on portraits on commission.
She is a pencils and charcoal portrait designer but loves to experiment with oil painting and try different art tecniques too.
“I am fascinated by people, I personally always find it interesting to look at them, observe, I decided that they will be my favourite drawings subjects.
Through my art I’m trying to show you the people’s soul” she tells us, when talkingh about her art.
Genni Vesprini nasce nelle Marche nel 1978 ,dopo aver frequentato l’Istituto d’Arte con la specializzazione in Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali ,ha accantonato l’arte professionalmente per molti anni, fino a quando non e’ ritornata prepotentemente nella sua vita e non la ha più abbandonata.
Vive tra L’Italia e Londra ,oltre che occuparsi dei suoi progetti artistici personali realizza opere su commissione per clienti privati; le matite e il carboncino sono i suoi strumenti ma ama anche dipingere ad olio e sperimentare diverse tecniche.
“Affascinata da sempre dal genere umano , mi piace osservare la gente tanto che scelgo di riprodurla nei miei lavori e cerco di restituire attraverso i miei disegni l’anima del soggetto”. Ci racconta, parlando della sua arte.
Genni Vesprini participates to Port Art Women, with three works in pencil, of which we show both details and painting, entitled :
- “Our Eyes”
- “Sir Paul”
- “A Dream”

1. “Our eyes”
2. “Sir Paul”

3. “A Dream”