ARTIST Isabel Carafì

“This is Isabel Carafì’s journey through the world and its largest cities, with a careful eye to what is changing and transforming.“
Personal and Collective Exhibitions:
Argentina (Buenos Aires, Cordoba, La Plata, Patagonia, Puerto Madrin), Canada (montreal), China (Hong Kong, Shanghai), Croatia (Rovinj),Slovenia, France (Paris), Germany (Berlin), Italy (Ascoli Piceno, Bologna, Carrara, Catania, Finale Ligure, Florence, Forte dei Marmi, Genoa, La Spezia, Naples, Milan, Modena, Padua, Reggio Emilia, Rome, Sardinia, Sicily, Treviso, Trieste, Venice), Russia (Moscow), Spain (Barcelona), Switzerland, Usa (New York, Miami), Uruguay (Montevideo, Punta del Este).
Here is brief excerpt of what Maria Campitelli writes about Isabel Carafì:
“For some years now architecture has been the dominant theme in Isabel Carafi’s artistic imagery. In the development of this discourse, broader themes concerning humanity, the socio-political evolution of society, migration, the environment and the ecosystem are inserted from time to time. In other words architecture becomes a background, a symbol, a container of other situations on which the artist reflects configuring them according to a pattern that, despite the continuous variations, proposes constants. The main constant is the presence of her unique human figures. They are mostly contracted in small, twisted, deformed shapes, which cling on to every space, mobile organic counterpoint to the algid geometry of the hyperbolic profiles of skyscrapers. Isabel Carafi captures above all the inhuman vertigo of the vertical giants accumulated in the metropolis’s skyline, from New York to Shanghai.
Symbols of power, also deformed in the artist’s perspective, they bend to different conjugations and imaginative colours, to accelerated lines of flight, breaking into a surreal dimension. Some particular ideas, like glimpses of escalators, are repeated, illustrating an existential frenzy that is grafted into things, into structures. And the distorted humanity, fluttering around and inside the giants increases this sense of swirling life. The surreality is identified in further steps and contaminations, for example in the white backgrounds animated by constipated figurines drawn against the coloured architecture photographed, which is also in turn altered. Then there is the introduction of the element “Nature” between the reinforced concrete and the metal pylons of the American skyscrapers, curiously configured in powerful and tangled tree trunks forming the backdrop to architectural skeletons. And just as curiously the skyscrapers are emptied, they lose body and substance, they become envelopes crushed by the power of nature. An inversion of roles. Nature that imposes itself on human capacity. And not only trunks, there are also blurred traces of landscape, of desert, in short the artist’s thought is complicated and changed. No longer just the amazement at human design an construction capacity, which seemed to prevail in the previous work of the artist. A more complex thought emerges giving rise to more sophisticated contaminations, to more in-depth concise allusions.”.
Isabel Carafì (Buenos Aires – Argentina, 1954),  vive e lavora a Trieste. Artista Italo-Argentina. Nel 1978 consegue il Diploma dell’Accademia Nazionale di Belle Arti di Buenos Aires in Argentina. Si trasferisce in Italia nel 1980 e nel 1983 consegue il Diploma dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara. Vive a Carrara dal 1980 al 1992. Dal 1999 risiede a Trieste.
Fra le esposizioni collettive 2021 : Clio Art Fair – New York, Triennale di Arti Visive -Palazzo Velli Expo- Roma, Rea Arte – Fabbrica del Vapore – Milano, CSA Farmgallery – Torino, Trieste – Palazzo Costanzi – Trieste, Museo Crocetti- co/Arte Borgo Gallery – Roma, Museo diocesano Francesco Gonzaga -Mantova.
Fra le esposizioni collettive 2020 : Art Parma – Farm Gallery – Torino, ArtDesign city – Spazio Decorlab – Milano, Fondazione Mazzoleni – Alzano Lombardo – Bergamo, Fuori Salone – Spazio Tolomeo – Artemente Gallery – Milano, Galleria Aragon 232 -Barcellona, Co Galleries – Berlino – Arte borgo Gallery, Ateneo Madrid- Arte Borgo – Madrid, Expo Pier 94- New York – Arta Vita – New York, Independents artist – Villa Brentano, Busto Garolfo – Milano, Gallery Onil – Brema.
Fra le esposizioni collettive 2022 :Independentsartist/ Villa Brentano- Milano
Fondazione luciana matalon/ c/o Arte Borgo Gallery- Milano
Luxembourg Art Fair/ c/o – Galeria Gaudi -Lussemburgo-
Art Fair Cologne / c/o Galeria Gaudi- Germania
Padigline del Bangladesh- Palazzo Pisani-Revedin- Biennale Venezia-
Clio Art Fair / New York-
Photo Festival / Made 4 Art – Milano-
Fra le esposizioni personali piu recenti ,si annoveano:Palazzo Costanzi – Trieste (2019), Artifact – New York (2018), Hernandez art gallery – Milano (2017), Museo d’Arte Moderna Ugo Carà – Trieste (2015), Lux Art Gallery-Trieste (2014), Galereya Belayevo – Mosca / Gallerie Arte Conte – Parigi (2011)
Isabel Carafì participates to Port Art Women, with three works of which we show both details and painting, entitled :
- “Metropolis in Rosa” 50x70cm
- “Metropolis in Teal” 50x70cm
- “Metropolis in Giallo” 50x70cm

- “Metropolis in Rosa” 50x70cm
2. “Metropolis in Teal” 50x70cm

3. “Metropolis in Giallo” 50x70cm