ARTIST Laurinda Katiyo

“I have always loved painting animals and portraits. The highlight of my art life so far was when my photo of the Pangolin was short-listed for the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Festival 2017.”
Laurinda discovered she had a knack for drawing and painting when she was at school. She took up art and enjoyed it more than any other subject. She is mostly self-taught and have learned to paint different subjects by experimenting and trying out new techniques. She had long break of almost 20 years without painting before she took it up again in 2013, as she has a busy day job. A few years later, she progressed from painting in acrylics to painting in oils and taking on challenges of subjects like city landscapes. She have always loved painting animals and portraits. The highlight of her art life was when her photo of the Pangolin was short-listed for the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Festival 2017, out of 12,000 entries. “That was when I finally felt able to call myself an ’Artist’. Before that, it was just a hobby”. Laurinda lives and paints in London.
Laurinda ha scoperto di avere un talento per il disegno e la pittura quando era a scuola. Ha scelto come indirizzo “arte” e da allora l’ha amata più di qualsiasi altra disciplina. È per lo più autodidatta e ha imparato a dipingere diversi soggetti sperimentando nuove tecniche. Ha avuto una lunga pausa di quasi 20 anni senza dipingere prima di riprendere nel 2013, poiché ha un lavoro quotidiano intenso. Alcuni anni dopo, è passata dalla pittura con acrilici alla pittura a olio affrontando sfide di soggetti come i paesaggi cittadini. Ha sempre amato dipingere animali e ritratti. Il momento più importante della sua carriera artistica è stato quando la sua foto di un Pangolino è stata selezionata per il Royal Academy of Arts Summer Festival 2017. “Fu allora che mi sentii finalmente in grado di definirmi un ‘Artista’. Prima di allora, era solo un hobby”. Laurinda vive e dipinge a Londra.
Laurinda Katiyo participates to Port Art Women, with three works of which we show both details and painting :
- “Nelson Mandela”
- “Boswell”
- “Venice”

1. “Nelson Mandela”
2. “Boswell”

3. “Venice”