ARTIST Nadja Moncheri

“I am inspired by nature and the emotions that the contemplation of the surrounding world arouses in me. My canvases recall and transmit sensations felt in contact with reality, of which they maintain the organic aspect”
Nadja Moncheri has been present in the contemporary art scenario with solo and group exhibitions since the early 80’s, over 150 group exhibitions, and 50 personal exhibitions. In Italy and abroad.
Among the most recent exhibitions there is the Italian Pavilion of the Venice Biennale 2011. Organized by prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.
1st – Biennial of Women at Warehouse 26 -Porto Vecchio-Trieste and in 2019 2aBID
ROBOTICS Art and Robotics International Festival – November 2018 – with one o her works.
Municipal Art Hall personal exhibition July 2019 – In 2020 physical and online exhibition in Zagreb.
Moncheri is inspired by nature and the emotions that the contemplation of the surrounding world arouses in her. Nadja’s canvases recall and transmit sensations felt in contact with reality, of which they maintain the organic aspect; her painting undergoes a turning point for a double reason: it translates into photography, passing through the computer. which undoubtedly contributes to the arrangement of the forms, introduces in the development of the painting, a structural orientation, where color predominates.
Lately she have been using Acrylic Fluid Painting.
Nadja Moncheri è stata presente nello scenario dell’arte contemporanea con mostre personali e collettive dagli inizi degli anni 80′, ha al suo attivo oltre 150 mostre collettive, e 50 mostre personali. In Italia e all’estero.
Tra le più recenti rassegne segnaliamo la partecipazione, al Padiglione Italia della Biennale di Venezia 2011. Organizzata dal prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.
1a – Biennale delle Donne al Magazzino 26 -Porto Vecchio-Trieste e nel 2019Â 2aBID
Festival Internazionale ROBOTICS Arte e Robotica – Novembre 2018 – con una mia opera.
Sala Comunale d’Arte mostra personale Luglio 2019.- Nel 2020 mostra fisica ed online a Zagabria.
Nadja Moncheri si ispira alla natura ed alle emozioni che le suscita la contemplazione del mondo circostante, le sue tele richiamano e trasmettono sensazioni provate a contatto con la realtà , di cui mantiene l’aspetto organico; la sua pittura conosce una svolta per un duplice motivo: si traduce in fotografia, passando per il computer. che indubbiamente contribuisce alla sistemazione delle forme ,introduce nello sviluppo del quadro, un orientamento strutturale, dove predomina il colore.
Ultimamente Nadja sta usando Fluid Painting acrilico.
Nadja Moncheri participates to Port Art Women, with three works in mixed technique, of which we show both details and painting, entitled :
“Emotion vibrations/Vibrazioni emotive” 60x60cm photographic technique applied to her original art work and then elaborated and printed on forex. (Fotografia dei quadri poi elaborati a computer e stampati su forex)
“Vulcanic lava/Lava vulcanica” 90x60cm mixed technique with acrylic and marble powder (tecnica mista acrilico polveri di marmo)
“vibrazioni emotive/Emotion vibrations” 70x70cm photographic technique applied to her original art work and then elaborated and printed on forex. (Fotografia dei quadri poi elaborati a computer e stampati su forex)

“Emotion vibrations/Vibrazioni emotive” 60x60cm
“Vulcanic lava/Lava vulcanica” 90x60cm mixed technique

“vibrazioni emotive/Emotion vibrations” 70x70cm mixed technique