ARTIST Roberta Thompson

“When I finish the animal, I paint the eyes, that is a magic moment, because by painting them, you give life to your creature, you try to catch a glimpse of it’s soul and put it on a canvas, it is quite magic, really”.
Roberta Thompson in an anglo-italian artist that lives in Italy. At the beginning of her career she studied art in Milan, but was able to flourish fully as an artist after the encounter with painter Alessandra Azais, that gave her a new depth thanks to the incredible attention for detail she was able to transmit to Roberta. Her painting skill has grown exponetially in the last years thanks to her being able to view the studio and works of other artists such as Maurizio Bottoni among others.
She has participated in many collective exhibitions and had her own solo exhibition, that registered an amazing fully sold out in Milan in Galleria Bolzani.
She exclusively paints animals, her oil paintings are exquisit, her pencil drawing a show of technique. Roberta’s favourite moment while painting is ” when I finish the animal, I paint the eyes, that is a magic moment, because by painting them, you give life to your creature, you try to catch a glimpse of it’s soul and put it on a canvas, it is quite magic, really”.
Roberta Thompson è una artista anglo-italiana che vive in Italia, all’inizio della sua carriera ha studiato arte a Milano, ma è stata in grado di sbocciare completamente dopo avere incontrato l’artista Alessandra Azais, sua maestra che le ha infuso una incredibile attenzione per il dettaglio.
La tecnica di Thompson è cresciuta esponenzialmente negli ultimi anni anche grazie all’ispirazione che ha potuto prendere visitando altri artisti nel loro studio e osservandoli, come ad esempio il celebre Maurizio Bottoni.
Ha partecipato a mostre collettive e ha registrato un incredibile “sold out” (tutto esaurito) alla sua prima esibizione sin solo presso la Galleria Bolzani di Milano.
Dipinge esclusivamente animali, i suoi dipinti ad olio sono unici, amati, irripetibili, i suoi disegni mostrano una tecnica ricercata. Il momento preferito dell’artista è quando dipinge gli occhi di un animale, perchè infondono vita nell’animale presente nell’opera dandogli un’anima.
Roberta Thompson participates to Port Art Women, with three works, two oil painting and one pencil drawing:
“Pantera!” oil on canvas 70x70cm
“Beatrice” oil on canvas 60×60 cm
“Gallo” pencil on paper 21×30 cm

“Pantera!” oil on canvas 70x70cm
“Beatrice” oil on canvas 60×60 cm

“Gallo” pencil on paper 21×30 cm