ARTIST Valentina Gobbi

“I can be inspired by a face, an idea, or by the view of some urban colours. Each subjects can express emotions and create feelings in its viewers.
What my works have in common is my research for harmony as interaction between lines, colours, textures, and shapes”.
“Paper and colours. As a child that was my favourite game.
While growing up, my school education at first and my working career afterwards, had nothing to do with that. But my real passion, my inner creativity, never stopped, and that allowed me to learn as a self taught artist both oil painting and watercolour”, this is what artist Valentina Gobbi tells Port Art Women about herself.
She uses two very different art techniques which although can unite and blend well to her personality.
Her favourite subjects? ‘Whatever comes into my mind’ [cit. F.Kahlo].. I can be inspired by a face, an idea, or by the view of some urban colours. Each subjects can express emotions and create feelings in its viewers.
What my works have in common is my research for harmony as interaction between lines, colours, textures, and shapes.”
Valentina Gobbi, has participated in 3 different collective exhibitions in Italy in the last years and is looking towards the future with shiny eyes.
“Fogli e colori. Da bambina erano il mio gioco preferito.
Crescendo, la formazione scolastica prima e il percorso lavorativo successivamente, non avevano nulla a che fare con quello. Ma la passione, la mia natura creativa, non si è mai spenta, e mi ha portata ad imparare da autodidatta, prima con la pittura ad olio e poi con l’acquerello.” racconta l’artista Valemntina a Port Art Woman parlando di se stessa.
Valentina Gobbi usa due tecniche molto diverse ma che si fondono perfettamente con la sua personalità .
I suoi soggetti preferiti? “Tutto ciò che mi passa per la testa.. l’ispirazione può arrivare dalla visione di un volto, da un’idea, o dai colori di un’atmosfera cittadina. Qualsiasi soggetto può esprimere emozioni e ricrearle nello spettatore. Ciò che accomuna i miei lavori è la ricerca di armonia attraverso la combinazione di linee, colori, e forme”.
Valenina ha partecipato a 3 diverse esposizioni in passato, guarda al futuro con gioia.
Valentina Gobbi participates to Port Art Women, with three works in mixed technique, of which we show both details and painting, entitled :
“Frida Kahlo”, oil on canvas panel 20×30 cm
“Maiko”, Oil on paper 24×32 cm
“Peschereccio a Lofoten, Norvegia”, watercolour on paper 23×30,5 cm

“Frida Kahlo”, oil on canvas panel 20×30 cm
“Maiko”, Oil on paper 24×32 cm

“Peschereccio a Lofoten, Norvegia”, watercolour on paper 23×30,5 cm