by Milena Kafol
100cmx100cm Acrylic on canvas
In the years 1965-70, she studied languages at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She has been working as a commercialist and translator for two decades. Between 1991 and 2005, she worked in fashion, designing clothes in her own boutique and participated in fashion magazines. In 2010, she enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, majoring in painting. In 2016, she completed her master’s degree in painting under the mentorship of Prof. Bojan Gorenc and Prof. Juret Mikuž. So far, she has had 20 solo and 17 group exhibitions.
V letih 1965-70 študira jezike na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Dve desetletji dela kot komercialist in prevajalec. Med leti 1991-2005 se ukvarja z modo, oblikovanjem oblačil v lastnem butiku in sodeluje na modnih revijah. Leta 2010 se vpiše na Akademijo za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje-smer slikarstvo.Leta 2016 konča magistrski študij slikarstva pod mentorstvom prof.Bojana Gorenca in prof.Jureta Mikuža.Do sedaj je imela 20 samostojnih in 17 skupinskih razstav.
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