The exhibition that aims to artistically interpret the change in the course of women’s lives and their environment is live now in Buje, Croatia. The transformation of the physical and inner dimension is the central theme of inspiration. The territory of Buje in Croatia thus collects the different expressions of female artists, as it represents in its history the change of people and a new future.
For this reason the Buje Open Popular University (, the organising entity, in partnership with the Municipality of Buje and the Tourist Board of the City of Buje ( proposes this year a contemporary art exhibition Women in Phases in association with Port Art Women of London ( and Stati Generali delle Donne in Italy
The exhibit is here online too, through our Port Art Women website! So do not miss the video of the show and the virtual Gallery that you can view scrolling down this post or in our “EVENTS” section!
Stay tuned for more info on the event!

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